Thursday 3 July 2014

Salvation Army Collection

   Today we dropped of some household items to the Salvation army.

Bradley, Logan, Norbu, Kieran, Taine. (in order)

We loved going to the Salvation Army and seeing the two people that liked the items they got for them.
This is a picture of us unpacking
At first we met a man called Fraser and he talked to us about how we helped the Salvation Army then we began to start taking the items over. To help us they brought 2 trolleys.

By Logan, Norbu, Kieran.


  1. Well done boys on completing a 'pay it forward' task. There are a lot of people out there who aren't as fortunate as us and it's great to know that you have been able to help them out.

    1. And Thank You Mrs Sullivan for coming with us to drop off all the items!!
