

We have been working on our own 'Secret Place' Cameo pieces. We were not aloud to tell anyone our secret places we were describing. We had to make sure we used rich descriptive words and language features such as similes, metaphors, alliteration, personifications and onomatopoeias. Whilst presenting we were focusing on speaking clearly as well as loudly. Whilst listening to each other's Cameo pieces we were listening carefully to guess the person's secret place and identify language features. Although some of us were nervous most of us found that presenting in front of the class wasn't as bad as we first thought!

Here are the Room 25ian's Secret Cameo Clips

Character Writing

This year we started with character writing. After doing a couple of practices we decided we would do a character description on our new Principal Mr Maindonald. The students came up with questions that would reveal Mr Maindonald's characteristics. Then we invited Mr Maindonald to join our class for a small interview session. Mr Maindonald generously answered our questions and it was a great way for Room 25 to get to know their Principal better.

After we completed our character description we decided to put our 'real character' in to a fictional story to entertain the reader whilst maintaing a believable character. The Room 25ians were very creative and we had some pretty crazy things happen to our 'Mr Maindonalds'. Below are just some of our examples, the see them all come and visit Room 25 and check out our 'Publishing Wall'

Mr Maindonald’s BAD Day

 One bad day for Mr Maindonald he was watching his favorite team Man United loose to Chelsea. After the game he drove his flash Hyundai Santa Fe Alite to Mt Smart stadium to see Bruce Springsteen - but it was cancelled! In the afternoon Mr Maindonald went to his local Thai food shop to order a spicy lunch but accidentally ordered the wrong meal.

Little did he know his luck was about to change. As he ate the wrong spicy Thai food he thought about how lucky he was to becoming a Principal at Western Heights Primary. He went down to his old farm and remembrance of his friendly little frog. But as he was leaving his felt a squishy thing on his shoulder. It was his frog! A big “YEAH!!!” came rushing out if his mouth.

From that moment on he was happy. Mr Maindonald took off to see the Vodafone Warriors VS the Dragons at five on the dot. The action just started 20 minutes in the Warriors scored a try. Eden Park went crazy.

That night Mr Maindonald realised his bad luck changed and he was lucky every day from that day on.

By Ciaan

Mr Maindonald
He woke up in the morning and brushed his teeth. He looked into the mirror and saw a bold man in his fifties staring back at him. He drove off to school in his Hyundai Santa Fe Elite. He unlocked the entire school and turned off all the alarms, walked into his office and turned on his computer and said ‘Hi’ to Mrs Hutton.

Soon it turned 9:00 and the bell rang. Mr Maindonald said ‘’Hi” to the children and they waved back.

Suddenly it was lunch time and he went on duty. He played a soccer game with the kids and had a chat to Kieran and Taine.

Later that day he got back into the car with his wife and awesome son. They went to see the Bruce Springsteen concert. Mr Maindonald waited till he came out then he started the show the first song he sang was the’ E street band’. 

Mr Maindonald thought to himself how lucky he was and what a great day it had been.

By Kieran

Mr Maindonald

The worst school in the world calls for help, so they called Mr Maindonald. He searched for bad kids, he saw every one of them pushing and punching. Mr Maindonald was scared; how could he make 564 children respectful, safe, kind and responsible? Mr Maindonald had to do it, the hard way, in assembly.

At assembly it was chaos people were screaming, punching, fighting. Mr Maindonald tried to make them quiet but they just kept going on. He turned on the speaker and set the volume on high. Mr Maindonald put the song ‘Baby’ by Dustbin Beaver on.

Everyone cried - they wanted the song to stop. They promised to be respectful, safe, kind and responsible if only he would stop the torture of the song .

That night he jumped into his ‘Mainmobile’ and thought to himself; ‘Another school conquered!’.


By Norbu

Next up is Cameo so look forward to snippets of rich descriptive language with lots of language features such as similes as pretty as the sky, metaphors that are the sky, loud personifications, almighty alliterations and sizzling onomatopeias. (Who can see what I did here? ;) )

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Character writing room 25 - Tara (Ciaan's mum).
