
Museum Trip

On Wednesday of Week 6 we had a trip to the Museum. Our main aim was to explore some of the Maori culture and protocols and history further. Whaia Trish has been teaching us Te Reo Maori and about Powhiri's so it was great to learn more about it. The cultural performance was definitely the highlight for most of us, especially the chilling Haka!! Here are some pictures of our trip!!

Science Roadshow

What a cool trip!
Today we went to Rangeview Intermediate to visit the Science Roadshow.We watched 2 shows. The first included things exploding and the second one had gory bits like intestines and human excretion models, needless to say our students were mesmerised!!

Thanks again Kym Vickery for helping out today!

Here are just a few of our pics from the day...

Library Trip

On Friday the 14th of March 2014 Room 25 WALKED (yes we all made it there and back - me just barely though!) to the Waitakere Library. We visited the library as well as the research centre and the Historical sight 'the Millhouse' in Henderson. Our trip was to tie in our 'Transformation' topic which we are covering in Inquiry learning this year. We focussed on the transformation of our local area from the 1840s to the present.

We went to the Millhouse (which I had driven past a thousand times and never noticed!) first was impressive and full of interesting artefacts. The two volunteers were great with the kids and full of knowledge.  

Next we went to the Research centre in the library where we met a very enthusiastic knowledgeable expert. The kids were mesmerized as she spoke about the history of the Treaty of Waitangi. It was fantastic to see the display of the copies of the 9 treaties first hand, especially as we had covered these at the beginning of the year. I must have been pretty mesmerized too as I failed to take any pictures of that session. :(

Last but not least we had Raewyn who spoke to us about the various sorts of resources stored at a library. As a fun activity we searched through the catalogues to find the Western Leader editions on or closest to our birthdays. Below are just a few. Needless to say the black and white copy is mine...

We even found a baby picture of Charlotte in Room 22!

Then we met Kathryn, the local children's section librarian. She read us a really funny book. It was great to see all the cool resources the library has. I am sure a few parents will be dragged here in the near future!!

Then we walked back... It is obvious the kids are much fitter than me thanks to their 'Chopper challenge'. I now feel motivated again to build some more exercise routines back in to my week lol! Luckily we had some fit parent helpers! Thank you Tricia and Kapisha for taking the time to join us, your help was invaluable!


What a fantastic day at the beach! Thank you to all our students for being so fabulous and our parents taking time out to spend the day with us. Here are just a few pictures of the day;


  1. It was a fantastic day, I really enjoyed myself. Well done Seniors, you represented WH beautifully! Mrs Sullivan (Kieran's Mum)

  2. it was a fun trip!!!!!

    From Logan

  3. I had a great time on this trip. Weather was good. Had lots of fun playing with my mates. Ciaan.

  4. That was the best day ever
    from Harrison

  5. I had a great time at the beach from paige

  6. I had a great time on our trips. Hope everyone else did as well.
    From Mollie.

  7. My sisters in the photo


  8. I loved the trips we went on.

    From Saarah

  9. I loved the trips but dan was a show off
