Physical Education


Sometimes P.E. can also be a light hearted bit of fun. Here is our P.E. session from last Tuesday. Thank you for taking some pictures for us Tianna - This explains the numerous photos of Tianna's friends too!  :)

Chopper Challenge Final

Here is a slideshow video of our last Chopper Challenge session. I can't believe how much fitter you all are now! Well done guys!!

Check it out : Chopper Challenge Video

The Pool is Cool!

Warm up exercises

We are gaining confidence in our pool every week!

Chopper Challenge

This year Western Heights is taking part of the 'Chopper Challenge' to raise money for the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust. It is a fantastic challenge as it fundraises for a life saving service AND there is an amazing prize up for grabs. A RIDE TO SCHOOL IN A HELICOPTER! The students have been extremely motivated during fitness time and the difference in their fitness levels is already showing. If you would like to find out more please follow the link below:

As part of the challenge we have two trained fitness instructors who come every couple of weeks and do a work out session with us. Below are some pictures of Room 25 working really hard. This was at the beginning of the term when we were still a bit 'unfit'.

Nilam was a Superstat at this one!

Our hands were sore after this one!


  1. dominic
    chopper challenge was fun

  2. cool pics mrs tipi
    awesome job at the blog

  3. Awesome
    Chopper challenge fantastic best pics EVER!!!!

  4. Great blog Mrs Tipi

    from Josh

  5. Awesome blog Mrs tipi
    from Harrison

  6. I am glad you guys like our blog!! :)

  7. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    awesome blog. I just had to show my family proof of the fitness cause they didn't believe that I actually did the fitness
    From Dom Dom

  8. That was my best day I've ever had !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. That was fun.

    From Saarah

  10. That was fun but not the swimming lol
