Monday 5 May 2014

We got mail!!

WE GOT MAIL!! Sooooooo exciting!! See our 'German Pen Pal' page for more information.

This year we have pen pals from Germany!


  1. Hi Room 25 and Mrs.Tipi

    What an awesome thing to do!

    Maybe one day some of your class may be lucky enough to travel to Germany.

    Room 25 you are so lucky to have Mrs.Tipi as your teacher!

  2. Thank you Mrs M.R.
    -That is very kind of you to say!!
    We are pretty excited about having pen pals and I too hope that some of these friendships will keep thriving in the future!!

  3. How exciting Room 25! Pen pals from the other side of the world! Think about how hard it would be for you to write to your pen pal in German and then you can appreciate how well they are doing to write you a letter in English! I have been to Germany and it is a beautiful country. I hope you all get the opportunity to visit there one day. If you have kept in contact with your pen pal over the years you could even meet up with them! Enjoy having international friends :)

  4. mines the small one

    from Nilam
