Thursday 17 April 2014


So yesterday the Westpac Rescue Helicopter came to visit our school and...

The reason I got picked to go on the Helicopter was because my AMAZING class raised the second most money for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter (Mr Baker's Room 23 raised the most).

It was an amazing experience although I was a little nervous about going. Thank you for your encouragement Room 25, it is an experience I will NEVER forget!

A special 'Thank you' to Mikayla, Bradley, Dominic, Tianna, Logan and Taine. :)

Here is a video of the Helicopter arriving with Mr Baker

Helicopter Arrival

Pajama Party Fun

No words. Just fun. Pajama Party Morning :)

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Home Learning Challenges

Today we shared our Home learning challenges. It was really neat to see everyone's talents and interests. First we presented our projects to the class and than we set up a little display. We roamed through all the senior classes and had a chance to see everybody's project. I think we all feel quite inspired for next term's challenges. Next term we expect all students to complete a minimum of 3 challenges. I was really impressed Room 25; WELL DONE!! Here are some pictures:

Friday 11 April 2014

Whanau Time

FYI (For your information): This is for Room 25ians and the parents; we will be running the Assembly with our buddy class Room 2 in the third week of Term 2 - that is Friday the 23rd of May.
Get your thinking hats on over the weekend and think of some ideas of what we could share at assembly. Feel free to share your ideas as comments below. We will discuss our ideas on Monday.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

German Pen Pal Video

Hey Room 25ians,

I have uploaded our video. :)
You can find it under the 'German pen pals' page.

See you guys tomorrow! :)

P.S. I can now confirm that they received our letters in Germany TODAY! :)