Wednesday 19 March 2014

Language Features

These are some of our awesome language features we created about the tree coming down

Simile: The leafy tree sounded like gunfire as it landed. (Dominic)

Metaphor: The tree was a great mighty thunder storm. (Jessica)

Alliteration: The tree tumbled to the turf. (Kieran)

Onomatopeia: Crash! (Hayley)  Boom! (Jacob)

The tree attacked the floor. (Logan)
The tree dived to the muddy screaming ground (Chelsi, Bradley and Tianna)

I was pretty impressed with these as a start to our Cameo Writing


  1. I love your examples of the cameo writing conventions, some real thought has gone into them. Mrs Tipi you will have to send some finished examples of cameo writing to me when they have written some, I would love to see what these talented writers come up with!

    1. I will be make sure to do that Mel Sullivan! We have had a great start with Cameo and I can't wait to see what they create next!!
