Sunday 30 March 2014

Famous again

We are getting pretty famous Room 25ians,
Check out to see the Measurement photos from last Friday's Buddy Class's activity.

Character Writing

Dear Room 25ians

I have posted a new piece under 'Writing' to explain what we covered in the first couple of weeks this term. I have included a slideshow video and a few student samples.

Next up is Cameo so look forward to snippets of rich descriptive language with lots of language features such as similes as pretty as the sky, metaphors that are the sky, loud personifications, almighty alliterations and sizzling onomatopeias. (Who can see what I did here? ;) )

My Secret Place

Room 25ians,
Who can guess where I am right now?
I'll give you a simile hint: 
The air smells like rotten eggs

Hope you guys are having a great weekend and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning!

Friday 28 March 2014


Today Mr Maindonald came to our class to give us the cool new school wristbands! They are purple and say 'Love to Learn to Lead'. They are an awesome reminder that we are all a part of one  large community family! 
Wear yours with pride Room 25ians!!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Chopper Challenge Final

Here is a slideshow video our last Chopper Challenge session. I can't believe how much fitter you all are now! Well done guys!!

Check it out : Chopper Challenge Video

Remember it's the prize giving at assembly tomorrow!! :)

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Reminder - Spotty Day

Hey Guys,
Just a reminder about spotty day tomorrow!
Wear something spotty and bring a gold coin if you can!
It's all for a great cause - to support Melanoma Foundation research & spread awareness!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Classroom transformation

Our classroom has undergone a bit of a transformation as we swapped our interactive board to a big TV with an apple TV connection (The interactive board went to a Junior class as they tend to do more "interactive work" in their class program). We are super excited as this means we can project images from any Mac or Ipad to the big screen from anywhere in the room! It also has a much clearer picture and less glare so we are stoked!! :)

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The BIG Tree

The big big tree came down today. We all sat on the field and watched it crash down. For a second there I thought it might hit us - but of course it was all planned and calculated. :)
The teacher in Room 24, Mrs Lupe, took lots of pictures of the tree coming down. Check it out on

Here is a video that Chelsi took too:

Tree down from Stefanie Tipi on Vimeo.

Thanks for sharing Chelsi!!

Language Features

These are some of our awesome language features we created about the tree coming down

Simile: The leafy tree sounded like gunfire as it landed. (Dominic)

Metaphor: The tree was a great mighty thunder storm. (Jessica)

Alliteration: The tree tumbled to the turf. (Kieran)

Onomatopeia: Crash! (Hayley)  Boom! (Jacob)

The tree attacked the floor. (Logan)
The tree dived to the muddy screaming ground (Chelsi, Bradley and Tianna)

I was pretty impressed with these as a start to our Cameo Writing

Tuesday 18 March 2014

We are famous!

Hey Room 25ians,
Our buddy class has put up some pictures of us from last Friday on their blog. Check it out on

Tree down!

A very exciting day at Western Heights with some of the big trees coming down in the bush to make it safer. Room 25 were lucky to watch some of the big ones coming down.

We did some fabulous language features about the the tree - I will try to post some tomorrow!!

Sunday 16 March 2014

Library Trip

Dear Parents and Room 25ians,
I have just posted a little report about our library trip. You can find it under the 'events' page.
I hope everyone had a great (and dry) weekend and everyone is ready for another busy week ahead!

Tuesday 4 March 2014


Dear Room 25ians,

Welcome to your AWESOME new blog. This cyber space will be a great way for us to catch up, ask questions, explore our learning further and share our learning with family and friends. You will have to be a responsible cyber citizen to use this blog but I am sure we will have lots of fun!