Saturday 7 March 2015

Katalina Moana Tipi

Hi Room 25ians,

I hope the rest of your holidays went well and you have settled in well to your new classes/schools. Below is a picture of my baby girl. She was born 11 days ago right on her due date. She was 8 pounds 2 ounces. She is doing really well and growing heaps everyday! Alesana is a very proud big brother. 

Take care and hope to catch up with you guys soon! 

Mrs Tipi

Saturday 24 January 2015

Art Work Display at the Ports this weekend!

Hi Room 25ians,
I hope you all had a fantastic break and are enjoying this amazing summer! Your Art work is bring displayed THIS weekend at the ports. You guys got your very own 'container' to display your art. Check it out at the ports if you get a chance!!

Enjoy the rest of your holidays! 

Mrs Tipi