Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Hi there Room 25ians,

I hope you all had a fantastic day with your families and a very merry Christmas! I hope you got spoilt and spoilt others!! Enjoy your holidays!!

Mrs Tipi

Saturday 13 December 2014

Thank You Room 25ians!

Room 25ians you guys ROCK!
You threw me the BEST surprise baby shower ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I wish I had taken some pictures- I think I was just too surprised!!

Friday 5 December 2014

Festival Inquiry Projects

Today we completed our Festival Inquiry. We presented our projects to Room 21. We also had a look at their cool Mexican Pinatas. Here are some pictures of our presentations as well as our Batik Art work we did with Mrs Annamalay. :)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

20,000 Page views!

Unbelievable! our BLOG has over 20,000 page views!!
Thanks Room 25ians and their family and their friends for checking in with us regularly!

Room 25 Touch Team

Meet our Room 25 Touch Team!
We had our first game yesterday at lunch time. It was a good game against Room 24. We just lost 2-1 but it was close all the way. I believe we have another game tomorrow so ... GOOD LUCK!!