Monday 30 June 2014


Today was our first day using Google.
We combined our class with Room 24 and worked together. 
We learnt how to sign into our school Google accounts, create a Google Doc, change fonts and sizes, name this Doc, published our Pepeha that we learnt from Whaea Trish last Thursday, create a folder in our own Google Drives and change the colour of this, shared our Pepeha with 3 friends and our teacher, drag and drop shared docs from friends into our newly created folders, insert images that are free to use, share or modify and discussed Plagiarism.

Check out our awesome Pepeha's

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Parents - Learning Conferences

Dear Parents/Guardians

Just a reminder that student-led conferences will be held this Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th of June. This means that on both days school will close at 12 pm. If you are unable to pick up your children at that time just e-mail Mr Maindonald at and your children will be looked after by our Deputy Principals in the hall until 3 pm.

See you all soon hopefully!

Mrs Tipi

Tough Guy and Gal Challenge

Last Friday Logan, Kieran, Mollie, Hayley, Chelsi, Tianna and Paige took part in the tough Gal and Tough Guy Challenge. It sounds like it was an awesome event and everyone gave it 100%. Western Heights School got commended for their excellent behaviour - way to go Room 25ians.
Check out the cool slideshow/video Mr Baker put together, see it on his blog here!

Thursday 12 June 2014

21st Century Room 25

The BYOD is going great!
On Tuesday we were able to do some research on the plight of the orangutans for our Report Writing. While not everyone was able to bring a device we managed well by sharing our devices as well as using the class devices. The students were on task and very engaged.

Sunday 8 June 2014

BYOD - Bring your own device

Dear Parents/Guardians,

To support our learning in class I would like to offer my students the opportunity to bring their own devices from home. Devices such as i-pads, kindle, tablets to use during our SSR time and devices with internet capabilities such as i-pods or laptops for research support are welcome. These will be locked away in my cupboard during our morning tea and lunch breaks to ensure they stay safe.

It is not compulsory for your child to bring a device to school and they must obtain your permission to do so. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me at

Kind regards

Mrs Tipi

Thursday 5 June 2014


This is a message from a few Room 25ians:


Hi, our names are Bradley, Logan, Norbu, Kieran and Taine. We have chosen to collect things for the Salvation Army as part of our ‘Pay it Forward’ homework challenge.

The Salvation Army works hard to help people in need. We would like to support them by collecting any canned food, books, toys, puzzles, linen, clothes, shoes or any other household items that you can spare. (Please check with mum and dad first though!)

We will be collecting these items in Room 25 until the end of 
term 2.

 Any contributions will be greatly appreciated!

Science Roadshow

Check out our 'Events' Page for information and pictures from our Science Roadshow trip! :)

Farewell Ms Woolford

Farewell and Good Luck!!

This week we farewelled our wonderful student teacher Ms Woolford. Ms Woolford had been with us once a week since the middle of last term. We thoroughly enjoyed having her in our class and she we will be sorely missed. We surprised her with a card and we shared all the things we enjoyed doing with Ms Woolford. On top of the list were the German Karnival Masken, divisibility rules, science experiments and facts about cockroaches...

We wish you well Miss Woolford!!